| I know it's not the most perfect site in town, but I love our new website. Why? Because I can change things very quickly. As I was recording the spotlight, I realized we hadn't put up the new call to action. Five minutes later it was done! If you don't have direct control over the majority of content of your website, not look & feel, but the actual content, you're missing out on your website being a better marketing partner. Being able to |
make quick updates brings a whole new level of interactivity to your visitors.
Click the read more link to take a look at the video and find out about the layout...Over the past 9 years, we have been very busy building websites for our clients. That meant little time for our website! With Weebly, we were able to put an updated site up very easily. We are really pleased with our updated site. Why?
Click the read more link to take a look at the video and find out about the layout...Over the past 9 years, we have been very busy building websites for our clients. That meant little time for our website! With Weebly, we were able to put an updated site up very easily. We are really pleased with our updated site. Why?
- Lots of white space! It's not cramped!
- Nice visual layout - It's easy to quickly decipher the page
- Easy amount of content
- And now it has a call to action I think the site does a lovely job of communicating our